Dr. Jessica Spring Weappa has three decades of public speaking experience on a wide variety of topics. As a narrative therapist specializing in maternal psychology, Dr. Weappa enjoys sharing about the profound impact of maternal-infant dynamics on lifecourse, society, and relational wellbeing. She offers expert knowledge on a variety of topics such as:
birth, motherhood, matrescence, ecopsychology, ecomatrescence, maternal ethics, lifecourse studies, biodynamic agriculture, depth psychology, anthroposophy, integral education, transdisciplinarity, human development, transformative leadership, creativity, creative inquiry, creative writing, narrative therapy, narrative inquiry, narrative writing, neuroscience of narrative therapy, women and mythology, arts-based research methods, organic inquiry, transpersonal psychology, somatic studies, somatic practices, women’s work, cross-cultural goddess studies, indigenous studies, Scandinavian studies, folklore, archaeomythology, theater arts, cooperative economics, modern matriarchal studies, maternal gift economies, cultural transformation theory, kinship studies, life writing, biography work, care ethics, maternal ethics, flower gardening, botanical and adaptogenic wellness, and more.
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Selected Conference Presentations
Mothering Futures® - Matrescence and Regeneration
by Jessica Spring Weappa
Nested Mothering: Transdisciplinary Considerations for Mothering Futures®
by Jessica Spring Weappa
A/r/tographical Renderings of Co-Becoming with Ancestral Landscapes
by Jessica Spring Weappa
Sacred Voices of Sápmi
by Jessica Spring Weappa, Pacific Sami Searvi
Returning to the Temple of the Luminous
by Jessica Spring Weappa
The Mother of the Dream
by Jessica Spring Weappa
Adoptee Ways of Knowing: The Role of Scholarly Personal Narrative in Transformative Inquiry
by Jessica Spring Weappa, Kelsay E Myers