Dr. Jessica Spring Weappa


Jessica Spring Weappa is a social scientist, certified narrative therapist, and transdisciplinary educator currently living near Seattle, WA. She is post-doc and worked as a graduate teaching assistant in the School of Consciousness and Transformation at her alma mater, California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). Dr. Weappa is the founder of Mothering Futures®, an education platform and practitioner certification program that centers maternal wellbeing and care based wisdom in the pursuit of creative futures. Her background includes specializations in integral and arts education, somatic studies, birth work, maternal psychology, and life course studies. Her life has been graced by special elders, two creative sons, and circles of wisdom-keeping women.


Birth Studies, Motherhood Studies, Matrescence, Maternal Psychology, Ecocultural Studies, Ecomatrescence, Ecopsychology, Ecofeminism, Spielreinian Studies, Archaeomythology, Women's Spirituality, Motherlines, Matrilineality, Matricentric Theory, SPN/Scholarly Personal Narrative Writing, ABR/Arts-Based Research, A/r/tography, Creative Inquiry, Transdisciplinarity, Organic Inquiry, Transpersonal Psychology, Women's Wellness, Mythology, Folklore, Biography Work, Life-Writing, Moral Development, Human Development, Narrative Therapy, Narrative Inquiry, Histories of Feminisms, Women's History, Ethnobotany, Scandinavian Studies, Nordic Studies, Sámi Studies, Meänkieli, Indigenous Knowledge, Mythology, Maternal Ethics, Regenerative Leadership, Natality, etc. 


California Institute of Integral Studies, School of Consciousness and Transformation

Selected Conference Presentations

 Selected Papers

Curriculum Vitae